The Edsel That Stole Christmas... Almost!
In 1960, I had the best and worst year of my young life. I was 8 years old. That summer my dad brought home a nearly new shiny 1959 Edsel. How a truck driver back then, with no credit, could bring home a nearly new car still baffles me today. We lived about 75 feet from the Santa Fe railroad tracks on Front Street, in Amarillo Texas. Back then it was a lower income neighborhood of poor folks. I'd say we were blue collar, but I think there were a lot of us folks that didn't have any collars!
A short while after my dad acquired the Edsel, we were involved in a serious accident that destroyed the Edsel and put my mom and dad in critical condition at Northwest Texas Hospital. Thank God all of us four kids in the backseat were not harmed. It truly was a miracle because we did not have seat belts at that time. I know God was riding with us in that Edsel that fateful day.
Friends, neighbors, church folk and my dad's employer, Lloyd Roberts came to our rescue.
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I've attached a story about the events surrounding that tragic car wreck and the following recovery and Christmas. The Salvation Army was a big part of our recovery and the best Christmas that I ever remember.
My prayers are that you and your families and all Americans will enjoy a Christmas of plenty.
The apostle Paul wrote in the book of Philippians that he knew what it was like to have much... And he knew what it was like to have little.
We are a blessed Nation! Be Glad!