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Writer's pictureJack Boomer Johnson

Pearls of Wisdom

Updated: Feb 17, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom: Part II

You can catch more flies with honey than you can vinegar...

The early bird gets the worm...

It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all...

Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see!!!

So we catch some flies, eat a few worms, love and lose, and don't believe fake news! 

(Part II)

A Lesson From the Bible People also ask: What does the book of Proverbs say about leadership? “Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kinds; / sound leadership has a moral foundation” (Prov. 16:12). Good leaders must confront wrongdoing and deal with it without fear or favor, as Paul did with Peter on the issue of Jew-Gentile equality (Gal. 2:11–14). Golly Gosh! Trump was surely a mixed bag of what appeared to be loose morals and dealing with wrongdoings without fear or favor! But who am I to judge! Will the history books label Trump as a good president or a toxic man who simply filled a chair for 4 years. Obviously, the verdict is still out with the jury. Some folks say "hang em high"... And other folks want to label him as a Saint - Let's Go Brandon! Our last blog touched on one of the main 10 optics of why Trump lost the election in 2020. Clearly, Trump had woman issues! There are 10 optics that came to be the defeating CAUSES in Trump versus Biden. Today we discuss - The US Mail System. #2. Don't mess with my mail! When I was in the Army we had this saying about don't mess with my mail, my wife, my girlfriend or my meals. Of course, in today's world, you could simply say don't mess with my relationships, my mail or my Starbucks! In 2020, Trump claimed he was not going to fund about $2.5 billion dollars for the US Post office because that would encourage too many mail-in votes and could lead to greater election fraud. (Part of that last sentence is my version of what happened.) If you choose to read the following article from, then you can form your own opinion. I would imagine the leftist liberals and some of the right conservatives were screaming about "don't mess with my MAIL!" Granted, the United States Postal Service was established in 1791, soon after the United States of America was formed. That clearly makes it an institution of the American people. However, it is a bankrupt institution and needs massive reform. Billions of dollars go annually to the post office to help shore up an aging, defunct and broken business model. Trump was partially correct in rearranging funding for the Post office. It was never really clear whether the post office was denied significant funding or if it was stacked on to another bill that the President and the Republicans favored. Nonetheless, many voting taxpayers chose to vote Trump out because of this one issue -don't mess with my mail!!! Forbes article link :

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