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Writer's pictureJack Boomer Johnson

Land of Confusion

Updated: Mar 26, 2024

Land of Confusion

The Circle - World War Machine! President Eisenhower spoke of the military-industrial  complex and it's dangers. It's simply another word for The Circle.

An excerpt from President Eisenhower's farewell speech on January 17, 1961..."In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

Wiki Page sources.

"The Killing of Uncle Sam"

Book Synopsis- "Pride, greed, and power have driven men to do the unthinkable–including selling out their nations and unsuspected citizens to the most corrupt and destructive “invisible” global leaders on Earth. But how did this happen on American soil? How did the downfall begin and who were the predators that the “land of the free and home of the brave” fell victim to? And is all hope lost?

This book captures details of the last 200 years of American history that mainstream media does not want you to know. It dissects the “legalized” system of the private central banks that has gone unchecked, and delivers gut-wrenching truths about the real domestic and foreign enemies of the United States. With over 1000 footnotes and quotes from former presidents, prime ministers, and state officials, it will equip you with the facts that the elites have covered up for centuries and empower you to stand up for the truth." Synopsis From Amazon Books 

Jack Knows this- 

"Sadly, only 1/10,000 th of 1% of  Americans will ever hear about this book and the underlying criminality and deceit that it explains in detail. George Soros and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, known as the WEF,  are hell-bent on the destruction of the United States of America! THE CURRENT REGIME IN WASHINGTON AND THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS KNOW ABOUT THIS AND ARE ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN IN REAL TIME.

FEAR THIS - THE Statue of Liberty is coming down. 

PICTURE THIS - A small airplane laden with 2,000 lb of TNT leaves a small airfield from an airshow in New Jersey. The pilot, a Leftist suicidal martyr does not file a flight plan and it is only a 10 minute flight to the Statue of Liberty. BOOM! LADY LIBERTY IS GONE FOREVER... Leftists are going to take her down because she represents White Supremacy. Liberty and Justice for ALL, according to the leftist, still does not exist in our world today. Destroy the greatest image of white supremacy... And to them- they will then have equality. Even the name of the Presidential Palace in Washington D.C. is racist by being  labeled... You got it... The White House!!!!

Watch the Official Music Video, Linked (below/ YouTube).

"Land Of Confusion" Lyrics

By Disturbed. 

"I must've dreamed a thousand dreams

Been haunted by a million screams

But I can hear the marching feet

They're moving into the street

Now, did you read the news today?

They say the danger's gone away

But I can see the fires still alight

They're burning into the night

There's too many men, too many people

Making too many problems

And not much love to go 'round

Can't you see this is a land of confusion?

This is the world we live in (Oh, oh, oh)

And these are the hands we're given (Oh, oh, oh)

Use them and let's start trying (Oh, oh, oh)

To make it a place worth living in

Ooh, Superman, where are you now

When everything's gone wrong somehow?

The men of steel, the men of power

Are losing control by the hour

This is the time, this is the place

So we look for the future

But there's not much love to go 'round

Tell me why this is a land of confusion

This is the world we live in (Oh, oh, oh)

And these are the hands we're given (Oh, oh, oh)

Use them and let's start trying (Oh, oh, oh)

To make it a place worth living in

I remember long ago

Ooh, when the sun was shining

Yes, and the stars were bright all through the night

And the sound of your laughter as I held you tight

So long ago

I won't be coming home tonight

My generation will put it right

We're not just making promises

That we know we'll never keep

Too many men, there's too many people

Making too many problems

And not much love to go 'round

Can't you see this is a land of confusion?

Now, this is the world we live in (Oh, oh, oh)

And these are the hands we're given (Oh, oh, oh)

Use them and let's start trying (Oh, oh, oh)

To make it a place worth fighting for

This is the world we live in (Oh, oh, oh)

And these are the names we're given (Oh, oh, oh)

Stand up and let's start showing (Oh, oh, oh)

Just where our lives are going to!"

The United States is the Land of Confusion. Mass confusion! When I became a soldier in the US Army, I swore to protect my country against enemies both foreign and domestic. You have seen me say this in another blog. I cannot sit idly by and watch my Country be destroyed by special interest, the landed elitist gentry, the lawyers in Congress, and the idiots in the White House. 

Albert Einstein comes into play in this statement - Our best voting, our best thinking, our best acting, have us where we are today! The Land of Confusion! OH yeah! We the People are going to turn this ship around and head back to the Port of Sanity and retake control of OUR Country through TERM LIMITS.  

God Save America!


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